Faith Life

Working to make our every thought, word, and action pleasing to God.

School Mass

The celebration of the Mass and the Sacrament of the Eucharist are the “source and summit” of our lives as Catholics. We attend Mass together throughout the school year, generally each Thursday and on Holy Days of Obligation.

Sacramental Preparation

As a part of our school program, we prepare our students for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. Generally, students will receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist for the first time while they are in 2nd grade. Students receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in 8th Grade. We will also work with the parish to help students prepare for any Sacrament that they may have missed prior to enrollment.

Living Rosary

As Catholics, we pray the Rosary to honor Mary, our Blessed Mother, and to ask for her intercession. Once per month, we gather as a school to pray the Rosary together. Twice per year, we gather to pray a Living Rosary. Our students take part in acting out the Mysteries of the Rosary to help us meditate on the events in the lives of Jesus and His Mother, Mary.

Living Stations

Each spring, toward the end of Lent, the 8th grade is privileged to give to the parish community a very special form of prayer – the reenactment of the Stations of the Cross. It is a unique way to bring the Passion of Christ to our students and parish community. All are welcome to join us as we walk with Jesus on His way to the Cross. The experience of meditating on the Passion and death of our Lord takes on a whole new perspective as it is presented live in front of you.

Youth Group

Holy Family Parish serves the youth of our parish and school by providing the opportunity for them to be a part of our parish youth group. Mr. Eddie Turek is our Youth Minister.