Student Life
Student Life
Student Life
Student Life
Student Life

Working to make our every thought, word, and action pleasing to God.

House System


The mission of Holy Family Catholic School’s House System is to nurture relationships among students, encourage a sense of family, and develop a strong Catholic faith. Students will live the Catholic faith through sharing the sacraments, promoting academic excellence, and engaging in service. The house system will foster partnerships between the family and the school, and strive to empower the students to reach their unique potential spiritually, socially, physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

  • Holy Family’s House system has 8 houses.  
  • Our Kindergarten through 8th grade students and staff are each assigned to one of six houses that are named after Catholic religious orders.
  • Our school and parish office staff members are members of the Guardian Angels.
  • Our preschool students and staff are members of the Angels House.
  • When preschool students reach Kindergarten, they are “adopted” into one of the other six houses.
  • Students and staff members remain a part of the same house throughout their years at Holy Family School.
  • Siblings are members of the same house, with the exception of preschoolers.
  • Each of the six main houses contain three “families”. A family is a smaller group of students of about the same age: grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.